1. Life Cycle has changed and Spine problems are increasing.
Our ancestors worked as farmers, hunters, fishermen and were engaged in other physically demanding jobs. It was very good because the human body is designed to be mobile. However, in the recent times, we live more and more sedentary lifestyles, we are either sitting in the office, or in a car or on a sofa at home. We have become more attached to computers, smart phones and TV Screens. This has led to rapidly increasing reports of spine and joint problems, and it has even become more common among younger individuals, and these are all results of our new lifestyle.
2. What you need to know about spine problems
The most common spine problems are Cervical spondylosis and lumbar spondylosis. At the early stage
it can be slightly painful, sometimes with reduced flexibility and increased stiffness. At this stage the
pain can disappear easily, an X-ray or MRI Scan will show that the condition is normal. But after a long
time with continued accumulation, it can develop into a more severe case. It can be in form of pain,
numbness or even weakness. Sometimes to sit, stand, or even to walk will be difficult. X-ray or MRI
scans can show significant changes at this stage, for example; the gap between two vertebrae can be
reduced, the colour and shape of the disc can change, and occupy the space of the spinal cord or
nerves. Ligmentum flavum (a kind of special ligment ) may enlarge and also occupy the space of the
spinal cord or nerves.
3. What solutions are available?
There are two common solutions for spine problems; Drugs and Surgery. The drugs are painkillers and
muscle relaxants. These drugs work well when the symptoms have just started and not too severe, but
it does not stop the development (deterioration) of the disease. Surgery is usually recommended when
the problem has become too severe and drugs can no longer help the patient live a normal life.
However, there are cases where a patient’s condition is in-between drugs and surgery, where the drugs
are not sufficient to relieve the pain completely but the case is not yet bad enough for surgery.
There are also patients who have already had surgery, and after some years the problem returns.
Acupuncture is a good solution for people who are not satisfied with painkillers and their cases are not
bad enough to do a surgery. Acupuncture can not only help to relief the symptoms but can also reduce
the development of the disease, to prevent it from getting severe, and avoid the need for surgery in
the future. For people who have already done surgery but still complain of these symptoms,
acupuncture can help the body to heal faster and reduce the symptoms.
4. What is acupuncture?
The acupuncture needle is a kind of pin as tiny as a hair follicle, inserted by the doctors into the body
for the purpose of stimulating the nerves. The stimulation can increase the nerve electricity voltage
and the nerve conductivity. The increased electricity will increase the blood flow and facilitate the
body healing. Our body is not only a chemical body, but also is an electrical body. Acupuncture is a
unique method to facilitate the healing because it regulates the electricity of our body.
5. What is the cause of spine problems? How does acupuncture help spine problems?
Before we understand how acupuncture helps spine problem, we need to know the cause of spine problems.
With long time sitting and lack of exercise, the muscle and other soft tissue of the spine will have a lot of changes: the blood circulation will be poor, its texture will be stiff, and thetension will increase. The increased tension will make the vertebrae bear more pressure, with time the
vertebrae will change shape and the disc will become dry, thin and will expand. The changed bone and
disc will compress the nerve and cause symptoms.
Acupuncture can reduce the tension and change the texture of the muscle by increasing its electricity
and micro circulation. The pressure between vertebrae will be released because the muscle’s tension
is reduced. The disc will also be preserved, and the compression of the nerves will be released, and
then the pain will disappear.
6. Which stage of spine problems can acupuncture help?
Acupuncture is good for most cases even when the symptom is severe, and also when the MRI scan
shows that the disc is changed and expanded, acupuncture still has some benefits.
7. Idea of maintenance your spine regularly
Our body generates more than a generator, but do we know that just as we service our generator
regularly we also need to service our body regularly? Our spine is one of the most important part of the
body, and when compared to other parts, its easiest to develop wear and tear problems. It is very
important to maintain it regularly, especially for the people listed below:
● Anyone above 35 years old.
● Anyone whose work requires them to sit for more than 4 hours per day.
● Anyone uses a computer to write or read a lot.
● People who are over weight.
● People who have a history of spinal injury.